Idaho Parent Organization: Virtual Charter School Study an Insult to Parents and Students Benefitting from School Choice




Idaho Parent Organization: Virtual Charter School Study an Insult to Parents and Students Benefitting from School Choice


Study ignores parents; bases results on high-stakes testing


BOISE — Today, Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families responded to a newly released study about an important public school option for thousands of families across the country: online charter schools.


Alyssa Antoniuk, Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families President and choice advocate, said, “It is a shame that parents were not included in this important conversation. We know why we chose the school of choice that works best for our children. We see them succeed in their school of choice and would be willing to share our stories with anyone who asked us.”


The recently released Virtual Charter School Study includes questionable methodology and conclusions that are questionable, such as:


1. Parents of students in online charter schools were not part of the study or its conclusions – the very parents making the decision to use this important public school option were not part of the research or results.


2. The study does not account for the many reasons that students and parents choose online charter schools in the first place.


3. Conclusions were based solely on high-stakes testing, at a time when many school districts, parents, teachers, and lawmakers are pressing the “pause button” on testing as an accurate way to measure individual student success. Just days ago even the President addressed ongoing concerns about over-testing.


4. The conclusions were based on school-wide performance, not individual student success, despite recent polling that underscores the importance of not using school-wide test results as a measure of success.

   74 percent of respondents agree that accountability systems should focus on individual student vs. whole student populations;

   63 percent agree that when evaluating a school, individual student learning is more important than overall school performance;

   73 percent agree that a grade level a school is given by the state is not an accurate measure of the success of the individual students in it.


5. This study uses a “virtual twin” methodology that fails to analyze or account for factors in the lives of actual students, including enrollment dates, progress over time enrolled in an online charter school, or reasons why students enrolled in that option.


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The Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families’ mission is to promote and advocate for public policy that furthers the advancement of charter schools and the innovations in education they represent. The Coalition works to ensure that every Idaho student has equal access to the option of enrolling in a public charter school whether it offers instruction in a traditional classroom or a virtual setting. 

Regarding the Supreme Court of Washington's Decision to suspend Charter Schools

From: The Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families

As you may have heard, last week the Supreme Court in the state of Washington ruled that the charter school law in the state is unconstitutional.  Just three years ago, Washington voters approved a ballot initiative on a public charter school law.  The decision was based on a law dating back to 1909.  For more information on the ruling, look here.  Charter Schools did open this week, but their future is uncertain. 

We disagree with this ruling and would urge you to support our friends in Washington.  What can you do? You can follow this link to contact Gov. Inslee asking for support of Washington's Charter School Students.

With over a million children on waiting lists to enroll in charter schools, and nearly 1200 children in Washington are affected by this ruling, the evidence is there that parents and children want a choice in their education.  The Washington Supreme Court Justices removed the ability to choose what type of education these parents would like for their children.   Data has shown that more schools and more competition improves the quality of education for the entire community.  The 1200 children who enrolled in Washington charter schools have lost that ability to have a choice in their education.   

Charter Schools work, and we are committed to supporting school choice and helping out school choice advocates from other states.  We will continue to support school choice in our state, and in others.  We support the Washington school choice advocates, parents and children affected by this unfair ruling.  

COMMITTEES - IDAHO SENATE – for 2016 Session


Approved by Pro Tem July 31, 2015



Chairman: Jim Rice

Vice Chair: Cliff Bayer

Jim Patrick

Mary Souza

Abby Lee

Lori Den Hartog

Mark Harris

Janie Ward-Engelking

Grant Burgoyne



Chairman: Jim Patrick

Vice Chair: Fred Martin

Todd Lakey

Jim Guthrie

Lee Heider

Jim Rice

Steven Thayn

Dan Schmidt

Janie Ward-Engleking



Chairman: Dean Mortimer

Vice Chair: Steven Thayn

Bob Nonini

Jim Patrick

Mary Souza

Lori Den Hartog

Kelly Anthon

Cherie Buckner-Webb

Janie Ward-Engelking



Chairman: Shawn Keough

Vice Chair: Dan Johnson

Steve Bair

Dean Mortimer

Bert Brackett

Sherry Nuxoll

Steven Thayn

Jim Guthrie

Dan Schmidt

Roy Lacey



Chairman: Lee Heider

Vice Chair: Sherry Nuxoll

Patti Anne Lodge

Marv Hagedorn

Fred Martin

Abby Lee

Mark Harris

Dan Schmidt

Maryanne Jordan



Chairman: Patti Anne Lodge

Vice Chair: Bob Nonini

Bart Davis

Dan Johnson

Mary Souza

Abby Lee

Kelly Anthon

Grant Burgoyne

Maryann Jordan



Chairman: Jeff Siddoway

Vice Chair: Jim Guthrie

Curt McKenzie

Dan Johnson

Jim Rice

Steve Vick

Clifford Bayer

Michelle Stennett

Grant Burgoyne



Chairman: Steve Bair

Vice Chair: Steve Vick

Jeff Siddoway

Lee Heider

Sherry Nuxoll

Cliff Bayer

Marv Hagedorn

Michelle Stennett

Roy Lacey



Chairman: Curt McKenzie

Bart Davis

Brent Hill

Chuck Winder

Patti Anne Lodge

Jeff Siddoway

Todd Lakey

Michelle Stennett

Cheri Buckner-Webb



Chairman: Bert Brackett

Vice Chair: Marv Hagedorn

Shawn Keough

Chuck Winder

Bob Nonini

Steve Vick

Lori Den Hartog

Cherie Buckner-Webb

Roy Lacey