

The Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families is pleased to announce that we had an abundant of parents sign up to attend the Washington DC Boot Camp that is held every July. Three Parents will attend this year’s Camp. We have a waiting list for next year of 7. We appreciate the interest from Idaho’s Charter School parents in learning more about how to maintain support charter schools. 

We all appreciate the need to maintain parent support for Charters.  In Idaho, as in most states, we often have to fight hard against those that do not want Charter Schools—especially virtual schools. Even now, in Idaho, there are individuals and groups that work hard to eliminate charter schools. See below.  The Coalition is here to protect Parent Choice in Schools. 

If you are interested in helping protect your ability to choose your student’s school, I urge you join the Coalition and lend your voice to keep Charters open. I have listed the RENEWAL SCHEDULE FOR PCSC-AUTHORIZED SCHOOLS. If your school is on the renewal list for Renewal you may want to learn more about what you can do. 



Statute requires that the performance certificates for existing schools ensure all schools will be evaluated for renewal or nonrenewal between March 2016 and March 2019.

The PCSC will schedule initial renewal considerations for the existing schools it authorizes based on their 2013 Star ratings. All schools will receive at least two, annual reports from the PCSC prior to the year in which they will be considered for renewal or non-renewal, permitting ample time to correct any shortcomings. In accordance with statute, new schools will receive performance certificates with an initial term of three years, and will be added to this schedule accordingly.


Heritage Academy

Succeed Virtual High School

Kootenai Bridge Academy

Wings Charter Middle School

Idaho Connects Online (ICON)

Another Choice Virtual School

Richard McKenna Charter High School

American Heritage Charter School

Chief Tarhgee Elementary Academy

Odyssey Charter School

Syringa Mountain School

Bingham Academy

The Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families believes that the current “process” should be changed and will work with families and schools to prevent Charters from closing.

  Contact Us

Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families

PO Box 6236 | Boise, ID 83707-6236




Teacher of the Year Commits the Unpardonable Sin: Working at a Charter (Op-Ed)

National Review |  By Paul Crookston, May 25, 2017
A public-school teacher who focuses on social justice won the 2017 teacher of the year award, but public-school teachers’ unions in her home state refuse to acknowledge the honor. Why? Because Boston teacher Sydney Chaffee teaches at a public charter school — and that fact is enough to designate her as an enemy of the Massachusetts Teachers Union (MTA). In the past, the MTA has rolled out the red carpet at their convention for the winners of teacher-of-the-year awards. This year, they have the state’s first ever national teacher of the year, and in lieu of inviting her to speak and offering a stipend, the MTA refused to even approve a congratulatory letter. 

Additional Sources:

  • Mass. teachers union snubs National Teacher of the Year(MA) Commonwealth Magazine |  By Michael Jonas, May 25, 2017
  • They Voted to Snub Her. We Celebrate Her, Good School Hunting |  By Erika Sanzi, May 25, 2017


4/20/17 Newsletter

Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families


Hello Mr. Chairman and Members of the Idaho Public Charter School Commission.  My name is Tom LeClaire and I am President of the Coalition of Idaho Charter Schools Families.  Thank you for inviting our organization to speak with you today. 

We are very concerned with the impact of the current efforts of the IPCSC staff to add more regulatory oversight to the already heavily regulated charter schools in Idaho.  The legislative intent, provided below, is clear as to what the legislators wanted and that is what the PCSC should follow.  We strongly support these statements.

33-5202.  Legislative intent. It is the intent of the legislature to provide opportunities for teachers, parents, students and community members to establish and maintain public charter schools which operate independently from the existing traditional school district structure but within the existing public school system as a method to accomplish any of the following:

(1)  Improve student learning;

(2)  Increase learning opportunities for all students, with special emphasis on expanded learning experiences for students;

(3)  Include the use of different and innovative teaching methods;

(4)  Utilize virtual distance learning and on-line learning;

(5)  Create new professional opportunities for teachers, including the opportunity to be responsible for the learning program at the school site;

(6)  Provide parents and students with expanded choices in the types of educational opportunities that are available within the public school system;


(7)  Hold the schools established under this chapter accountable for meeting measurable student educational standards.

Unfortunately, the simplicity of the legislative intent language has, over time, evolved into a quagmire of different Rules that are being written by Commission staff with little or no input from the schools that will have to comply with them.  Charter schools go through rigorous accreditation by professional, experienced individuals.  Accreditation plus state standards are already in place for ALL schools, is the appropriate yardstick for charters.  No need for all the extra and discretionary burdens that the Commission staff is proposing.  We need to get this conversation on the table, because what the Commission staff is doing, is saying that we don’t want to be accountable.  That is not true.

 #7 of the legislative intent is addressed in State Board of Education Rules Governing Thoroughness.   The introduction to the “Accountability Rule in the Rules Governing Thoroughness” says this, "School district, charter school district and public charter school accountability will be based on multiple measures aimed at providing meaningful data showing progress toward interim and long-term goals set by the State Board of Education for student achievement and school improvement. The state accountability framework will be used to meet both state and federal school accountability requirements and will be broken up by school category and include measures of student academic achievement and school quality as determined by the State Board of Education."  This existing rule includes ISAT proficiency, ISAT growth, graduation rates, college and career readiness, and more – everything included in the performance framework.

Idaho Charter organizations find that as the PCSC adds criteria to this rule and does more extensive evaluating of charter schools it creates a hostile regulatory climate for charters.  We think the new auditing and possible closing of charter schools goes way beyond the Legislature's intentions and is unnecessary.  Remember that charter schools were created by the Idaho Legislature due to parental demand for more school choice.  Parents are the original stakeholders of charter school law. 

The best accountability measure to determine whether a charter school should stay open is the level of parental support. If parents choose to enroll their students at a rate that will sustain the school financially, and the school is meeting state and federal requirements, then the school should stay open. Threatening to close charter school based on burdensome and unfair criteria is an injustice to the parents of the charter school's students and goes against the original legislative intent of charter schools.

In conclusion —data shows that most Idahoans support charter schools when they are described in concept, and most Idahoans who know there’s a charter schools in their area believe it to be better than the regular public school by a two to one margin. Idahoans are most enthusiastic (61%) to hear that charters “can specialize in teaching students who have specific interests and talents.”  Forty percent strongly approve of encouraging successful charter schools to replicate in communities whose public schools are failing; another 33% somewhat approve.  In fact 54% of Idahoans who report having a charter school in their area think they outperform the regular public schools. The members of the Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families urges the Commission members to work closely with us on these issues.

Again, I thank you for the opportunity to come before the Commissioners. We hope this can begin a period of more helpful communication and progress for Idaho’s Public Charter Schools.

Tom LeClaire


Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families

A few other specific concerns expressed by teachers, parents and individuals, are elaborated below. 

  1. The Commission procedures for material submission, testifying and communication do not promote transparency and openness, and are inconsistent with both the spirit and the practice of other state agencies in their interactions with the public and the regulated community. 
  2. The commission’s staff practices and procedures stifle communication and transparency with the schools they regulate and the public, but more concerning, they also hinder, and likely prevent “due process” for the schools.  Communication with commissioners is always filtered through staff, rather than directly from those providing input, and the timelines for data submission prevents any meaningful input directly from schools, while ensuring that staff gets the outcome they want.
  3. Commission procedures should mirror what is required by state code, and no more -- requiring charters to meet the same standards required of all schools by the State Department of Education and accreditation as required of charters.  Charters should not be required to also meet additional measures, often discretionary, that are being proposed by Commission staff in the current performance framework draft, which the commission will be asked to approve in May, and which exceed state standards.  
  4. The Commission should return to the original intent:  serve the student, provide educational choice, and reduce bureaucracy for all schools that meet state standards. 
  5. We, the Charter parents, teachers, and students ask the members of the Charter School Commission to please help us forge a path forward to simplify and streamline the processes that charters operate under with regard to the Commission. We agreed to work on improving the environment for charters over the summer with the intent of crafting legislation for 2018.  We are very pleased to have you still at the helm to help guide this process to the benefit of schools, students and parent choice. 


If you have any thoughts or suggestions, feelfree to send a message to the Idaho Charter School Commission --(now their information is on the site below):

Contact Information

Director: Tamara Baysinger
email: tamara.baysinger@osbe.idaho.gov

Program Manager: Kirsten Pochop
email: kirsten.pochop@osbe.idaho.gov

Charter Schools Accountability Program Manager: Jennifer Barbeau
email: jennifer.barbeau@osbe.idaho.gov

Administrative Assistant: Chelsea Cantrell
email: Chelsea.cantrell@osbe.idaho.gov



Lastly, later this week, The Coalition will announce the May “End of School Event”!!

If you have a suggestion, call me at 208-859-9656!!!


             Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families


 APRIL 29, 2017






                        A COLORING CONTEST-- FEATURING TREES!          

                        A TREE PLANTING IN THE PARK (IF ALLOWED)

                        The Coalition will provide Brown Bag Lunches up to 25.

  The first 25 families receive 1 free Blue Spruce seedling!

Call Jane with any questions—208-859-9656


Friends of School Choice

Friends of School Choice, I am sending you another Newsletter this week because the Idaho Legislature is still in session and issues continued to arise. One issue, brought forward earlier, was brought forward by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (a national organization that wants all Charters to use their Friends of School ChoiceFriends of School Choicestandards (only allow the very best schools in Idaho) and they want to determine which charters schools should be closed.)

The Coalition members and Leadership believe that Charter Schools should be schools of choice—chosen by the parents for their students. The Coalition believes that Parents and their students know best which charter schools their student – not any number of national organizations!



Kevin Richert 03/22/2017

(UPDATED, 12:25 p.m., with details on National Alliance for Public Charter Schools report.)

In two separate report cards issued Wednesday, two school pro-education reform groups said pretty much the same thing about Idaho’s charter school laws.

The state’s charter school laws are mediocre — largely because of funding issues.

The raw rankings from the two Washington, D.C.-based groups are virtually identical. National Alliance for Public Charter Schools ranked Idaho’s laws No. 20 in the nation. The Center For Education Reform ranked Idaho No. 21.

However, the two reports take a starkly different tone.

From the charter school alliance report: “Idaho’s law is mostly cap-free, provides multiple authorizers, and provides a fair amount of autonomy and accountability. However, it still provides inequitable funding to charter public schools.”

Said Terry Ryan, CEO of the Idaho Charter School Network, in an alliance news release: “Idaho is making progress that I think the National Alliance, and all charter school supporters for that matter, can be proud of.”

Turn to pages 34 and 35 to read the charter school alliance’s Idaho findings.

From the Center for Education Reform report card: The CER called out 13 states Wednesday, including Idaho. Idaho received a “C” on Wednesday’s CER report card, down from a “B” in 2015.

Idaho received its lowest grades on funding and equity issues. CER gave Idaho five out of a possible 10 points for operating funding, and one out of five possible points for facilities funding. In 2015-16, Idaho’s 47 charter schools received $4.7 million for facilities, under a 2013 state law.

“It’s a troubling commentary,” center founder and CEO Jeanne Allen said of the declining national grades. “Too many laws are not being implemented as envisioned when they were adopted, and it is stifling the effectiveness and growth charter schools of across the country.”

As the 2017 Idaho legislative session winds down, lawmakers are considering a couple of bills affecting charter schools, including a proposal designed to streamline the charter school licensing process. House Bill 279, pushed by the Idaho Charter School Network, has passed the House and passed the Senate Education Committee Tuesday.

JUST REMINDING YOU: The following article is one year old however I wanted to remind readers that Your Charter School  could be closed! Last year the Idaho’s Public Charter School Commission has issued notices of fiscal concern to Blackfoot Charter Community Learning Center in Blackfoot; Syringa Mountain School in Hailey; and The Village Charter School in Boise!




Kevin Richert 06/21/2016

Three Idaho charter schools run the risk of a midyear financial collapse, and are on notice with the state.

Idaho’s Public Charter School Commission has issued notices of fiscal concern to Blackfoot Charter Community Learning Center in Blackfoot; Syringa Mountain School in Hailey; and The Village Charter School in Boise.

Hailey’s Syringa Mountain School, a K-6 school serving 131 students, is one of three schools on notice with the state. School officials say there is no possibility Syringa Mountain would close in the middle of a school year.

The three schools received more than $4.1 million in state funding in 2015-16, and the recent notices won’t affect how much taxpayer money they receive for 2016-17. But it does affect the state’s payment schedule.

Instead of receiving the bulk of their state funding at the start of the school year, the three schools will receive equal payments throughout the year. The reason: If a charter school closes in the middle of an academic year, the state has no way of recovering its money. Taxpayers, meanwhile, have to shoulder the added education costs when students transfer from the failed charter school to a solvent school.

“It’s not intended to be punitive in any way,” charter school commission Director Tamara Baysinger said. “But the taxpayers are protected.”

A 2013 state law established the notice of fiscal concern. This is the first time the commission has issued three notices in the same year, but Baysinger downplays that fact. “It doesn’t strike me as a huge change in the number of schools about which we have concerns.”

Here’s a closer look at the three schools on notice:

Blackfoot Charter Community Learning CenterThe commission estimates the school will end 2015-16 with a $197,000 loss, and faces a $55,000 cash flow shortage for July.

The K-8 charter school serves nearly 500 students, and its enrollment has grown rapidly in recent years. As a result, the school’s state funding has increased, exceeding $2.1 million for 2015-16.

Despite the infusion of state dollars, the charter commission says the school’s financial health has “declined.” Citing a 2015 audit, the charter commission noted the school carried more than $3 million in debts, and has been trying to consolidate its loans and negotiate an increased line of credit.

School administrator Fred Ball did not respond to a request for comment.

Syringa Mountain School. The K-6 charter’s financial position is “extremely precarious,” Baysinger wrote in the June 14 notice. The 2-year-old school has relied heavily on fundraising to make ends meet — and while Syringa Mountain’s fundraising efforts have been “admirable,” the commission isn’t sure the efforts are sustainable.

Enrollment numbers are another concern. Syringa served 131 students in 2015-16, qualifying for $696,000 in state funding. But even a projected enrollment increase of 20 students is unlikely to ease the financial pressure, the commission says.

In a letter to parents and supporters, Syringa Mountain board members said there is no possibility the school would close midyear. Enrollment has increased, officials say, and the school is ending 2015-16 with $20,000 in the bank. “We will increase enrollment at the pace that makes sense for our community while raising funds, grant writing, and securing long-term financial contributions,” board members wrote.

The Village Charter School. Five years after opening, the K-8 charter ended 2015-16 with a $167,000 loss. The charter commission and school officials agree on one source of the school’s financial problems: $90,000 in cost overruns on a building renovation project, which forced the school to spend down savings.

However, the commission and the school disagree on the prognosis for the future.

The school anticipates 2016-17 enrollment of 373, up from 325 in 2015-16. According to a briefing prepared in advance of the commission’s June 9 meeting, “(Commission) staff is concerned that the projected increase is unrealistic and optimistic budgeting will lead to increased financial strain.”

Tony Richard, The Village’s administrator and principal, says the school has hired a new controller with a charter school background, and has implemented new spending controls. “We remain solvent, and the future does look bright even using conservative enrollment numbers for the fall of 2016,” he said.

The Village received close to $1.5 million in state funding in 2015-16.




March Blog




Position AVAILABLE!!!
the coalition of Idaho Charter School families is looking for a savy Vice President, a fun secretary / Treasure and an adventurous activity Chairman!!

Currently, we need 4-5 parents and students that would come to the Capitol and provide a tutorial of what virtual school students realy do!!  we need you to show Senators and House members how you go to school! the event would be from 10 am to 2 pm in the Capitol west wing of the garden level of the capitol. call Jane 208-859-9656



2017 Legislation

For access direct to 2017 Legislation click on the first line below:


For access to Legislators





Clark Corbin 03/03/2017

A charter school bill ran into trouble Friday in the House Education Committee, after leaders of two of the state’s powerful education groups said they were not consulted on the proposal.

Karen Echeverria

Idaho School Boards Association Executive Director Karen Echeverria even went as far as to say she felt charter school advocates deceived her.

After a lengthy and sometimes contentious hearing, House Education voted to hold the bill at the discretion of Chairwoman Julie VanOrden.

VanOrden, R-Pingree, wants to give ISBA and the Idaho Education Association’s leaders time to review the 16-page bill and consult with their members.

Several committee members recommended VanOrden bring the bill back for a vote Monday or Tuesday. Others said education groups should develop consensus over the coming months and bring back a transparent, well-vetted proposal in 2018.

It is unclear how Friday’s dustup affects the bill’s prospects. This week, lawmakers ramped up efforts to adjourn the legislative session March 24. House leaders are also pushing a Monday deadline to pass bills from one legislative chamber to the other.

Rep. Gayann DeMordaunt, R-Eagle, and Idaho Charter School Network lobbyist Emily McClure are pushing House Bill 241. Supporters say the bill is designed to streamline the charter school authorization process.

Rep. Gayann DeMordaunt

The bill removes six pages of law related to the petition to establish public charter schools. Supporters said the bill removes duplicative and burdensome requirements, but replaces most of the stricken language in other sections of code. The bill also compresses the timeline for creating new charter schools.

DeMordaunt is a founder of North Star Charter School, a school choice advocate and a former member of the Idaho Charter School Commission. DeMordaunt said the requirements for creating new charter schools can drag out over two years or more and threaten to stifle the school choice movement.

“The intent is not to reduce scrutiny or oversight of charter school authorization — we want high-quality schools of choice for our kids,” DeMordaunt said. “(Passing this bill) may mean school choice doesn’t wither on the vine here in Idaho as time chokes out the enthusiasm of parents and educators.”

Echeverria told the committee she asked to review the bill several times, but was not given a copy until late Tuesday. That meant Echeverria did not have time to review the bill or discuss its implications with her members before Friday’s hearing.

The bill would remove a requirement that charter school authorizers ensure a charter school “complies with the general education laws of the state unless specifically directed otherwise…” This was a point of contention Friday.

Echeverria said the ISBA was never invited to participate in negotiations, and was not told about the clause striking compliance with general education laws. Echeverria also suggested a second companion bill is in the works, but said she hasn’t been allowed to review that either.

“Whether it was intentional or not, we feel we were deceived,” Echeverria said.

McClure appeared taken aback, said she has never been in this position before and said she felt “terribly disheartened” to hear anyone felt misled.

McClure said charter advocates believed removing the compliance with general education laws was “ a housekeeping item.” She claimed there is no universal definition of general education laws and she did not want to force charter school leaders to comply with laws she could not explain.

McClure also said she wracked her brain and could not remember making any misleading statements, and said she would be really disappointed in herself if she had misled other lobbyists.

IEA attorney Paul Stark also said the statewide teachers union was cut out of discussions surrounding the bill, and did not receive a copy until 10:30 p.m. Tuesday. Calling the bill exceedingly complicated, Stark said nobody has been given the time to properly vet the bill and determine its effects.


Working in rapid succession Friday, the House Ways and Means Committee held its first meeting and introduced nine bills.

Six of the bills have a connection to K-12. Here are the highlights:

·         One bill, also pushed by McClure, would give high-performing charter schools more flexibility in hiring. If charters meet student growth or proficiency goals, or received state renewal “without conditions,” they would have more latitude in hiring non-certified teachers.

·         VanOrden presented a bill that would remove term limits for members of the state Public Charter School Commission. Charter school groups want the change, in order to allow experienced commission members to stay in place, VanOrden said. State law now limits commission members to two four-year terms.

·         The State Board of Education introduced a slightly rewritten bill on student data and public records requests. The bill is similar to one that passed the Senate unanimously earlier in the session. While largely technical, the new bill makes one substantive change. The bill would prohibit the release of public records that, when combined with other records, would divulge data that identify individual students.

House Ways and Means meets irregularly — and when the committee convenes, it meets to consider new legislation late in the session.

Idaho Education News reporter Kevin Richert contributed to this report.

Disclosure: Idaho Education News reporter Clark Corbin chairs the Idaho Press Club’s First Amendment Committee, which opposes the State Board of Education’s public records bill. Corbin has recused himself from coverage of this bill.



Ybarra’s rural schools bill sails through House committee

State superintendent Sherri Ybarra’s rural education proposal cleared its first big political hurdle this morning, with the House Education Committee’s unanimous support, Idaho EdNews reports. The committee sent House Bill 223 to the House floor, where a vote could occur early next week.

The measure would create a pilot Rural Education Support Network, designed to help small districts collaborate, pool resources and acquire the services they need. Ybarra wants to put $300,000 a year into the three-year pilot program, writes Kevin Richert of Idaho EdNews.

Beyond that, it would be up to local school officials to figure out how to put together the pilot. And that’s by design, according to Ybarra and her chief policy adviser, Duncan Robb. They said their goal is to create a framework, since overtaxed rural administrators have too little time to explore and create partnerships. You can read Richert’s full report here.