The Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families is pleased to announce that we had an abundant of parents sign up to attend the Washington DC Boot Camp that is held every July. Three Parents will attend this year’s Camp. We have a waiting list for next year of 7. We appreciate the interest from Idaho’s Charter School parents in learning more about how to maintain support charter schools.
We all appreciate the need to maintain parent support for Charters. In Idaho, as in most states, we often have to fight hard against those that do not want Charter Schools—especially virtual schools. Even now, in Idaho, there are individuals and groups that work hard to eliminate charter schools. See below. The Coalition is here to protect Parent Choice in Schools.
If you are interested in helping protect your ability to choose your student’s school, I urge you join the Coalition and lend your voice to keep Charters open. I have listed the RENEWAL SCHEDULE FOR PCSC-AUTHORIZED SCHOOLS. If your school is on the renewal list for Renewal you may want to learn more about what you can do.
Statute requires that the performance certificates for existing schools ensure all schools will be evaluated for renewal or nonrenewal between March 2016 and March 2019.
The PCSC will schedule initial renewal considerations for the existing schools it authorizes based on their 2013 Star ratings. All schools will receive at least two, annual reports from the PCSC prior to the year in which they will be considered for renewal or non-renewal, permitting ample time to correct any shortcomings. In accordance with statute, new schools will receive performance certificates with an initial term of three years, and will be added to this schedule accordingly.
Heritage Academy
Succeed Virtual High School
Kootenai Bridge Academy
Wings Charter Middle School
Idaho Connects Online (ICON)
Another Choice Virtual School
Richard McKenna Charter High School
American Heritage Charter School
Chief Tarhgee Elementary Academy
Odyssey Charter School
Syringa Mountain School
Bingham Academy
The Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families believes that the current “process” should be changed and will work with families and schools to prevent Charters from closing.
Contact Us
Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families
PO Box 6236 | Boise, ID 83707-6236
Teacher of the Year Commits the Unpardonable Sin: Working at a Charter (Op-Ed)
National Review | By Paul Crookston, May 25, 2017
A public-school teacher who focuses on social justice won the 2017 teacher of the year award, but public-school teachers’ unions in her home state refuse to acknowledge the honor. Why? Because Boston teacher Sydney Chaffee teaches at a public charter school — and that fact is enough to designate her as an enemy of the Massachusetts Teachers Union (MTA). In the past, the MTA has rolled out the red carpet at their convention for the winners of teacher-of-the-year awards. This year, they have the state’s first ever national teacher of the year, and in lieu of inviting her to speak and offering a stipend, the MTA refused to even approve a congratulatory letter.
Additional Sources:
- Mass. teachers union snubs National Teacher of the Year, (MA) Commonwealth Magazine | By Michael Jonas, May 25, 2017
- They Voted to Snub Her. We Celebrate Her, Good School Hunting | By Erika Sanzi, May 25, 2017