Video: Governor LIttle Hosts Our Coalition for Proclamation Signing Ceremony

During Idaho School Choice Week 2023, Governor Brad Little hosted school choice advocates from our coalition in his ceremonial office. The Governor signed a proclamation honoring the week of celebrations where families and schools throughout Idaho expressed support for education freedom. In attendance included public charter schools, families from public school districts, public virtual schools, board members of the National Coalition for Public School Options and the Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families as well as the National School Choice Week Education Foundation.

News from Idaho School Choice Week 2023

Big Country Lewiston/Grangeville: School choice advocates gather at the Idaho State Capitol

Tom LeClaire, president of the Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families, said his organization is committed to being advocates for parents. “We love parents, we trust parents, and we fight like parents,” LeClaire said, encouraging parents to reach out “if you ever get in trouble with any of your regulators, or (have concerns.)”

Idaho Ed News: Charter organization hosts school choice rally

The IDVA student said she was in a dark place before leaving her traditional school. But the transition to online school, she said, allowed her to escape the bullying and ostracism she experienced at her public middle school, meet like-minded people and pursue an associates degree while in high school. 

NBC/KTVB-Boise: Hundreds Gather at Statehouse to Celebrate School Choice

Video: “Do we want to be controlled or make our own choices?” Student

Idaho Press Front Page: School Choice Advocates Gather at State Capitol

BOISE — Last year, Marilyn Villagomez thought she would drop out of school.

“At my previous school, I constantly avoided going to class,” Villagomez said. “I did not feel that the teachers cared about us. It was so big, there were so many students, it was almost impossible to make a connection with any of my teachers.”

But Villagomez got a call one day asking her if she would like to take a tour of Elevate Academy, a year-round career technical charter school. She agreed, and it changed her life, she said.

Now a senior, Villagomez has attended the school for less than a year and said she has been given opportunities to learn about careers in her community through field trips, and to visit colleges she is interested in attending. Read full article at the Idaho Press here.

Virtual School Emergency Funding in Jeopardy

Virtual School Funding in Jeopardy! They stepped in during the pandemic when schools closed. They hired hundreds of teachers. They helped thousands of Idaho students maintain an uninterrupted education during the pandemic. Now, lawmakers want to fund them millions less than they are supposed to. Send lawmakers an email with this tool we setup for you to tell them why your virtual school worked for you.

Your voice is needed now: If emergency funding bill HB 22 does not pass, they will have to cut enrollment and layoff teachers.

Email now here.

or call: 208-334-3531, 208-332-1355, or 208-332-1349 and tell them why your virtual school needs their support!

Follow the status of HB 22 here.

Here’s an article in Idaho Ed News explaining the situation and the emergency bill.