Your Help is Needed!
As parents, we do so many things for our students, not least of which is selecting the right educational option for our children. We know that each of our children is unique. Each has a different set of gifts and talents, and each has a learning style all their own.
Unfortunately, our elected representatives sometimes forget that one type of school does not necessarily fit all types of students, but having school choice options matters. Not only do we see this in our own children, but studies show school choice improves student outcomes, improves public schools, saves taxpayers money, moves students from traditionally segregated schools to more diverse schools, and improves student civic values and practices.
To join our support group, take part an make a difference just fill out the form below and we will be in touch.
Become a School Choice Advocate!
Join the Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families as we work together to promote
school choice and protect a parents right to select the best public school option for their child.
Our Leadership
Tom LeClaire
Karen McGee
Vice President
Tiffiny Ruegner
China Veldhouse Gum
Coalition Manager