March 1



The Idaho Legislature will close out the first month of their expected 3 month 2017 Session this week. There have been multiple bills dealing with education put forward. There will be more.

The Coalition has been busy working with schools that are up for Renewal this year. See below for the schools that are already in the process of Renewal. There are 12 schools that are in that process now. If your students are in a school in the list below, it could potentially be closed.



Statute requires that the performance certificates for existing schools ensure all schools will be evaluated for renewal or nonrenewal between March 2016 and March 2019.


The PCSC will schedule initial renewal considerations for the existing schools it authorizes based on their 2013 Star ratings. All schools will receive at least two,

annual reports from the PCSC prior to the year in which they will be considered for renewal or non-renewal, permitting ample time to correct any shortcomings. In accordance with statute, new schools will receive performance certificates with an initial term of three years, and will be added to this schedule accordingly.


March 2017

Heritage Academy

Succeed Virtual High School

Kootenai Bridge Academy

Wings Charter Middle School

Idaho Connects Online (ICON)

Another Choice Virtual School

Richard McKenna Charter High School

American Heritage Charter School

Chief Tarhgee Elementary Academy

Odyssey Charter School

Syringa Mountain School

Bingham Academy


The Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families believes that the current “process” should be changed and will work with families and schools to prevent Charters from closing.


We will be providing additional information this week on another issue-Removing Term limits for Charter Commissioners. The reason: with constant “churning” of Charter Commissioners, there is a lack of knowledge of charters by new Commissioners. It takes time to understand how the Charter law works and how to implement the process.


We will be sending more information later this week on Legislation to remove term limits of Charter School Commissioners.



The Idaho Legislature will close out the first month of their expected 3 month 2017 Session this week. There have been multiple bills dealing with education put forward. There will be more.


The Coalition has been busy working with schools that are up for Renewal this year. See below for the schools that are already in the process of Renewal. There are 12 schools that are in that process now. If your students are in a school in the list below, it could potentially be closed.



Statute requires that the performance certificates for existing schools ensure all schools will be evaluated for renewal or nonrenewal between March 2016 and March 2019.


The PCSC will schedule initial renewal considerations for the existing schools it authorizes based on their 2013 Star ratings. All schools will receive at least two,

annual reports from the PCSC prior to the year in which they will be considered for renewal or non-renewal, permitting ample time to correct any shortcomings. In accordance with statute, new schools will receive performance certificates with an initial term of three years, and will be added to this schedule accordingly.


March 2017

Heritage Academy

Succeed Virtual High School

Kootenai Bridge Academy

Wings Charter Middle School

Idaho Connects Online (ICON)

Another Choice Virtual School

Richard McKenna Charter High School

American Heritage Charter School

Chief Tarhgee Elementary Academy

Odyssey Charter School

Syringa Mountain School

Bingham Academy


The Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families believes that the current “process” should be changed and will work with families and schools to prevent Charters from closing.


We will be providing additional information this week on another issue-Removing Term limits for Charter Commissioners. The reason: with constant “churning” of Charter Commissioners, there is a lack of knowledge of charters by new Commissioners. It takes time to understand how the Charter law works and how to implement the process.


We will be sending more information later this week on Legislation to remove term limits of Charter School Commissioners.